Why We Exist

The mission of the End Kids Cancer Foundation, is to provide financial support for clinical research and clinical trials that will cure neuroblastoma (NB), with an emphasis on non-toxic treatments. Our narrow focus on neuroblastoma is designed to increase the success of finding a cure. While the focus is narrow, the benefits derived will be broad. Studies have shown that advancements in the treatment of neuroblastoma, including those conducted by End Kids Cancer-funded researchers, can lead to breakthroughs against many common deadly cancers affecting adults. These include lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer and skin cancer.

As a secondary mission, End Kids Cancer works to disseminate the vital information we acquire  while we pursue our primary mission of funding the cure. That’s why we produced Steps to Hope, a free booklet that shows parents and caregivers, in just 27 pages, how to navigate the pediatric cancer research landscape and secure the cutting-edge treatments that could save their children’s lives. 

Where We're Headed

A child anywhere in the United States who is diagnosed with neuroblastoma is very likely to be treated by therapies developed by the doctors on our Medical Review Board. The research we have directly funded is already bearing fruit. Our support of the early phases of some of the most promising non-toxic treatments has been followed by FDA and NCI funding and support.

Those who study neuroblastoma and other pediatric cancers are members of an elite research community. It was a team of pediatric oncologists who, despite being grossly underfunded, achieved the first significant cure rate (80%) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 1968.

Pediatric cancer researchers have been responsible for introducing some of the most significant treatment protocols in the fight against all cancers, and they have done so on a shoestring budget. They were the first to develop a multi-disciplinary treatment approach, which utilizes the optimum orchestration of chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy and surgery.

Pediatric oncologists were the first to use multiple drugs and collaborate with hospitals all over the world to discover the best treatment plans. Yet prevention is the most effective way to fight disease. This is the absolute domain of pediatricians and pediatric researchers. Many cancers take decades to evolve, and many begin their development in the early, formative years of an adult.

As we learn more about pediatric cancer, doctors are able to intervene sooner. The best example of this is the new vaccine recently introduced that is administered to teenage girls to prevent cervical cancer. This research will benefit people. As a result, there are no other areas in cancer research where your donations will have a greater significance.